Presentation Skills Academy: Accelerating your Speaking Success

In this course, you'll unlock endless career opportunities by conquering your public speaking fears with my proven F.O.C.U.S framework, empowering you to craft and deliver your message with unstoppable confidence.
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About This Product:

Strong public speakers know how to command any room and audience. It is a skill vital to the success of any career. This course is full of simple easy to implement tools to help you start taking immediate action on writing your speech. Designed to accelerate results, this course will walk you through crafting your message from brainstorming to delivery practice. Each module has downloadable guides to help you as well. This course will walk through my proven FOCUS framework to get you results fast!

As an award-winning coach with a Masters in Communication, Melissa has been coaching professionals to develop successful presentations for the past 15 years. She has worked with professionals from all industries by using best practices to improve their confidence and decrease the amount of time they spend writing speeches. 


We all have that story of giving a presentation and having people come up afterward telling us that they did not really understand the point we were trying to get across. Perhaps your boss came up after your speech telling you it was an epic fail. However, you don’t have to repeat those moments in your future speaking experiences.


Using my years of experience, I will share techniques that help you successfully write and deliver your speeches. Every time. Using the right tools, you will be well on your way to being an influential speaker.  


By the end of this course you will:

·       Become a confident and impactful speechwriter

·       Get crystal clear on your speech goal and topic

·       Learn at your own pace

·       Achieve powerful communication skills for life

·       Downloadable resource-rich guides

·       Discover simple techniques to help reduce speechwriting time

·       Uncover how to amplify your voice to open doors you never thought possible


Who this course is for:

1.     Leaders and emerging leaders who want to learn techniques to write successful dynamic speeches

2.     Leaders and emerging leaders who are ready to take their career to the next level

3.     Leaders and emerging leaders who are ready to learn simple tips to write speeches faster


Who this course is not for:

1.     Those who are not ready to improve their lives

2.     Those who are not ready to implement after learning


Course Outline:

F = Frame the goal of your speech
O = Organize Content
C = Content written for audience's ears
U = Unique Audience Engagement
S = Save Time for Revisions and Practice


 "How you sound and your confidence in communicating is one of the most important things in leadership, politics and business. Melissa is very encouraging and gave me the confidence and techniques to improve my communicating ability that helped win my election for State Representative." Dr. Bill Hauter 


“She is incredibly knowledgeable about public speaking and gave me tricks that REALLY worked! The techniques Melissa taught me has been a game-changer for my career!” Todd Smith, CEO Smith Nutrition and Fitness



So you have a speech tomorrow, no problem. This workshop has high impact strategies that you can apply immediately. Total running time is under 30 minutes, this workshop will give you simple actionable tips on how to get ready for your speech in a fast.

Link for $47 Workshop:


 1:1 Coaching

 In each 60 minute one-one-one session your session will be tailored to your individual needs in order to boost your confidence and help you deliver a successful speech.  Using my proven framework, we will uncover your unique speech skills to give a successful speech.

Link for 1 : 1 Coaching:



Program Details

F = Frame The Goal of Your Speech Introduction
Available Now
What is the Goal of Your Speech?
Available Now
Analyzing the Situation and Audience
Available Now
Idea Web
Available Now
Combating Nerves
Available Now

Organizing Content Introduction
Available Now
Organizing your Material Quickly
Available Now
Attention Grabbing Introductions, Conclusions, and Transitions
Available Now
Giving Your Talk a Title
Available Now

Writing a First Draft
Available Now
Simplify for Maximum Impact
Available Now
Using Bumper Stickers
Available Now

Tell Stories Like a Pro
Available Now
Questions from the Audience
Available Now
Failsafe Humor Techniques
Available Now

How to Edit your Speech
Available Now
When to Start Rehearsing
Available Now

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Melissa Entzminger

As an award-winning public speaker, Melissa Entzminger has been coaching professionals to deliver impactful and memorable presentations for the past 15 years.
See Full Biography >

As an award-winning public speaker, Melissa Entzminger has been coaching professionals to deliver impactful and memorable presentations for the past 15 years. Drawing on her Master’s in Communication and her collegiate teaching experience, she blends practical methods with exciting and interactive learning into each workshop and coaching session. Designed to accelerate results, Melissa will empower you to overcome your presentation apprehension, captivate audiences, and enhance your impact as a communicator. Because effective public speakers have the advantage in any situation.  

See Short Biography >

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Disclosure: "The depicted experience is not a guarantee of speech success. Your background, education, experience, work ethic may differ. This is used as an example and not a guarantee of success. Your results may vary."